STEM Week 2019

Every year, 索莱伯里学校的数学系和科学系颂扬科学领域, technology, engineering, 通过举办stem相关活动来学习数学, activities, and guest speakers. 这一周的目的不仅是让整个学校都参与到这些课程中来, 还能激发人们对stem相关职业的思考. Seniors: 如果你对追求潜力感兴趣 Senior Project 与我们的任何STEM嘉宾,请跟进 Math Dept. Head Britta Milks or Science Dept. Head Cari Nelson.

Sunday, October 20

The RoushYates Engines Arrive

RoushYates Engines is the exclusive engine builder to Ford Performance for the Monster Energy Nascar  Cup Series, Nascar Xfinity Series, IMSA WeatherTech跑车锦标赛, IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge, 以及国际汽联世界耐力锦标赛. Two of their engines — an FR9 engine and an Ecoboost engine — were on display in the Athletic Center during Open House and then moved to the Performing Arts Center for the rest of STEM Week.

Monday, October 21

我们的取证班去了一次实地考察 费城昆虫馆和蝴蝶馆 在那里他们可以近距离观察各种各样的生物. 那些足够勇敢的人甚至拥有一些! 

生物课由弗朗西斯·柯林斯和卡罗尔·科普参加 樱草花溪流域协会 评估小溪的生物多样性. 发现的一些大型无脊椎动物是蜻蜓若虫, scud, whirligig beetle, 来福甲虫和一堆左手蜗牛. 学生们还检查了这条小溪的pH值,结果是7. 

Veterinarian Dr. Ted Robinson spoke to students about the path to becoming a veterinarian and his experiences in the profession. 他回答了几十个关于他治疗过的不同动物的问题, 分享他完成的手术和他帮助过的外来动物的信息. 学生们还观看了一段简短的视频 印第安人兽医服务 (NAVS), which Dr. Robinson founded in 2001. 

学生们与埃里克·米勒进行视频聊天, 基蒂霍克公司的航空顾问, a company that is working to "create the next generation of vehicles for everyday flight" -- i.e. flying cars. 跳伞和定点跳伞专家, Eric was hired by the tech company not for his science background (he doesn't have one), 而是因为他在降落伞方面的专长. 这是一场关于未来交通的精彩而生动的演讲, the benefits of taking risks, 以及在计算自由落体时理解物理的重要性. 想知道飞行汽车是什么样子的? Check out


Tuesday, October 22

Physics students had the exciting opportunity to take apart a RoushYates Ecoboost engine and then rebuild it! 这种发动机用于公路赛车和24小时比赛的街车. The other engine the team brought with them was the FR9, which is the engine used for NASCAR. Later that afternoon, Doug Yates P'20 gave a presentation and spoke to students during assembly about his time racing and building his company RoushYates Engines. He showed videos that demonstrated how they test the engines and short clips of races. His passion for his work shined through as he answered many questions about this industry. 


Wednesday, October 23

Karen McKenna P'11, MBA, RPh, talked with Chemistry and Biology students about her journey in the pharmaceutical industry. During this informative discussion about the wide-ranging options that a career in pharma can offer, Karen helped students understand what it takes to get a pharmaceutical degree and the multiple ways it can be applied (cold chain supply logistics engineering, anyone?). 

在我们每周的全校集会上,我们有两个很棒的学生演讲. First Ben Bunting '20 shared his experience during a three week trip to N/a'an Ku Se Wildlife Sanctuary this past summer as part of a conservation program with National Geographic. Next, Christian Yates '20 shared his archaeology adventures over the past few years on his digs in Spain, Greece, and Belize. 两人都热情地回答了关于他们遇到/发现的问题.


Thursday, October 24

ER Physician Linda Chaille-Arnold P'20 works at Temple University Hospital - Episcopal Campus. Dr. Chaille-Arnold gave a presentation on the schooling required to become a physician, 医学中不同类型的工作, 她每天在急诊室治疗的病人和受伤情况, and ultimately, why she truly loves her work. 


Friday, October 25

Sarah Dohle, 特拉华谷大学植物科学系博士, 谈到了生物多样性在农业中的重要性, crop uniformity, ways to prevent waste, 以及她在传统植物育种方面的经验. She walked students through the process of breeding squash and peppers and even brought in a successful cross between two of the hottest peppers in the world that she had bred herself. 每个人都有机会尝试这些辣椒和更温和的品种. 你觉得你受得了这么热吗? 

Honors Chemistry and Statistics classes created logic puzzles to demonstrate algebraic thinking and create systems of equations. The students worked in groups and used various candy pieces to create sets of equations where the specific candy represented a specific number. The groups then shared their sets of equations or puzzles with other groups to see if they were able to solve the puzzles and figure out the value for each specific type of candy used in the puzzle.

Jamie Arnold, of Folk City Roasters, gave a terrific presentation on how he got into coffee roasting and his past 10 years of being in the industry. He demonstrated to the AP Chemistry class how to brew the perfect cup of coffee by brewing two batches during his presentation. 一种是用蒸馏水制成的, 另一组是含有硫酸镁的水, 加入柠檬酸钙和氯化钠. Everyone had the chance to sample the coffee and see if they noticed a difference between the two.  


School-Wide Event

Every year, Solebury School comes together for a school-wide STEM event on the final day of STEM Week. 今年的活动是一个寻宝游戏! Advisories worked together to answer STEM related questions and based on the answer to the question, they knew where to go next. 例如,求出所有惰性气体的原子序数之和. Then prime factor that number. 它有多少质因数? 叫它z,去阿比z房间. 每个小组完成12个阶段,然后挑战制作一架纸飞机. 他们的分数根据飞机飞行的距离而提高. Britta Milks' advisory group was the winner with Michelle Gavin's advisees coming in second. 每个人都做得很好,感谢所有让这周成为一个精彩的STEM周的人!

在全校STEM活动结束后, 学生们惊讶地发现查普曼·福特带来了一辆福特车, Tesla, 还有一辆吉普车,让大家坐在里面拍照! 

STEM Week Photos