Success After Solebury School

Anders Simpson-Wolf '09
Tufts University 2015 (masters)
Senior Analyst at Cogo Labs

“Solebury gave me many things, 但也许最重要的三个是接受, support, and opportunity.” Anders

Anders came to Solebury School as a Trustee Merit Scholarship recipient 找到了一个可以做自己的地方. 这种接受和包容的感觉让一切都不同了.

“Being a teenager was difficult; I always felt weird,” said Anders. But at Solebury, he continued, “老师和学生都非常接受我的怪癖, 这使它成为一个可以尝试新事物的地方. That's where the opportunity fits in; I had so many options in high school. I got to perform in plays; I was able to study a foreign language; I competed at the state level in track and field; I took enough advanced mathematics to jump-start my college curriculum and finish a math double-major alongside my engineering degree. 我甚至向索伯里董事会提交了一份提案,申请资金创建一个机器人俱乐部! There is a lot that you can do at Solebury School, 我很感激我得到了足够的支持,能够充分利用这一切.”

安德斯回忆起第一年,一位数学老师开车送他的新机器人俱乐部去匹兹堡参加五小时车程外的比赛, PA. “我们的表现说明了我们还有很大的改进潜力,” he laughed, 而是建立一个俱乐部的整个经历——从起草提案开始, to outlining a curriculum, 去参加我们的第一场比赛——这是不可思议的,也是我索伯里经历的一个亮点.”

As a senior, 安德斯获得了社会科学领域的创始人奖,也是我们2009年毕业演讲的学生之一. 他在塔夫茨大学继续他的教育,在那里他获得了B.S. 他在2013年获得了电气工程和数学学位,并因自主无人机的高级设计项目获得了Harry Poole Burden电气工程奖. He also earned the Lt. Commander RJ. 曼宁纪念奖,表彰他在工程领域“追求卓越”. In 2015, Anders earned his M.S. in Electrical Engineering, also from Tufts University, 专注于探索差异隐私, 对汇总的个人数据进行匿名化处理的统计方法.

Today, Anders is a senior analyst at Cogo Labs, 剑桥的一家创业孵化器/大数据公司, MA, 这催生了十几家新的在线公司.

—Fall 2017

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